Ending with dignity is a process of acceptance, compassion, and care for our communities and ourselves. Here are some tools and services to help.

Closure Calls

A free, confidential, 1-hour session with The Wind Down to discuss your possible, ongoing, or past closure.

The Stewarding Loss Canvas

A suite of super-practical tools to explore and/or design closures.

The Wind Down Self-Assessment

Questions to help you process the emotional and practical aspects of closing your project.

The Museum of Closed NGOs
A crowd-sourced collection of announcements by closed nonprofit organizations and projects.

Other People and Groups In Closure

Meet more people from around the world who are pushing forward the conversation about conscious and caring organizational endings.

Useful Things to Read, Listen To, and Watch on Death, Loss, and Grief

Articles, books, podcasts, and talks on themes related to closure.

So what’s all this about conscious closure then?

Sign up for my newsletter Closing Remarks! It’s a semi-regular link roundup of news and views from the world of non-profit closures, project endings, and the shifting narrative around longevity and impact in civil society.